Brand Gimmick/Meme Account


I chose to look into a brand called Opera. This is a brand that develops a browser like Google Chrome or Firefox. The aspect that makes their browser a little different is that Opera GX specifically was created to give access to the user to manage the amount of Central Processing Unit or CPU usage allowed to be used by the browser along with other technical aspects.  The account made for this browser is @operagxofficial on Twitter. What I have noticed is people respond to their posts by shitposting, claiming that the browser is some sort of Chinese spyware, or asking about a problem they are encountering. What made me aware of this account and brand was that I used the browser to begin with and that when scrolling through Twitter this account popped up from the algorithm numerous times.

Opera GX's value proposition is being the browser for gamers. This is because of the fact that you can reduce usage for various components of your computer being used by this browser and instead use that power towards a game you may be playing. 

These three tweets were some of the only actual replies that weren't some sort of shitpost. All of these replies consist of complaints that the user is facing while using the browser. I think all of these are valid tweets because when using a browser you want it to be a smooth and bug-free experience. Also, the ad-block that provide that is built into the browser is a selling point that they have advertised and with it not working as expected there are going to be complaints. (as shown above)

This company is promoting its browser to gamers and other users who may want the options that it provides. With the Twitter account constantly posing memes and shitposting this in turn advertises the company to gamers as they are the ones who interact with memes and shitposts the most. If the user finds the account funny they may start to use the browser as it's not a very hard thing to switch to. Other people who may also find the account to be funny may also download and start using the browser.

As previously stated the company is using the brand account as a sort of meme account and shitposting anything they may find while browsing the internet while still integrating brand placement within the memes to rope the meme back to include their brand. This has become more popular with other brand accounts so it doesn't stand out as much as it used to. Opera GX tries to engage users with the brand while simultaneously improving brand recognition. Like I said earlier this account has pooped in my Twitter feed numerous times without me ever interacting with it. Since they have implemented this marketing strategy has increased downloads. They have reached 25 million users of the browser.

Over Twitter, the Opera GX account usually responds to a few people under each of their own tweets. They also will reply to other people's tweets occasionally. Though all of this is usually more shitposting than anything and they don't always reply to issues people are facing with the browser. I believe they should continue replying to unserious comments with the shitposting they've been doing while also starting to reply to the comments that people are posting with issues they are facing to let the user know they will be working on it or know of the issue. I think what they have done is good but could be better as I mentioned beforehand.

If I were the brand manager I would continue like they are but respond to those who may need help as well. This keeps the unserious feeling of the account and humor side while still acknowledging those who are facing bugs and issues with the browser. For example, the three tweets I showed pictures of had no public reply from Opera GX (This may be because they directly messaged the account.) which gives the feeling that they may not care about the users of their browser.

I learned that using a social media account to post memes and make people laugh can increase your brand's recognition and also increase sales or downloads in this case. 


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